Monday, April 25, 2016

I'm posting....sort of

My apologies for not posting more often.

My life is split in two most days.

I float between two worlds.  A world of work, dishes, ball games, checking grades, barking dogs and volunteer work.....a world that is focused on everyone else.

And a world of wanting, needing to be with men, to be desired by feel sexy, to turn men on......a world that is self centered...a world that is about SEX and DESIRE and WANT and PASSION.

Do you see my problem here?

I could be typing this and at any moment my child could walk in the room and ask me to sign a permission slip, or take her to but an outfit for her dance.

Do you see what I face?

Oh how I wish I could be free to sit here at my computer daily and tell you of every hot amazing adventure I have had.  Just be assured of this....I will get there!  ;-)

It's hard living in two worlds and shutting down half of me most days...and then finding the time to relax and open up that other side of me and letting that part of me GO.  It takes time to warm up that's not a switch for me.

My mind wanders sometimes.  I am sure you will find this wrong or a turn on....but when I am sitting in church some Sunday mornings or at a PTA meeting, I will get a text from one of the men I have been seeing, or talking to and I will for that moment combine those two worlds.

Picture me, sitting there, all appropriately dressed, breasts buttoned in, checking my phone like any other mom at the meeting....but all the while, my pussy is starting to ache....ever so slightly begin to dampen my panties as I talk to whoever might be wanting me at that moment.

And as I look around the room...feeling ordinary in that room, and sometimes not as pretty as some of those perfect little PTA moms...I know I could leave there and go fuck a few men...and they probably aren't getting any when they get home!

Man, I am such a bitch!  For all I of their husbands could be the one texting me.  

So don't worlds are hard to unravel and I will make sure I update and include all of you as much as I can, as often as I can.



  1. No apologies necessary. As a wife and mother with other commitments outside the home, your time is very limited. It's just a shame that this blog hasn't been discovered by more people in the lifestyle as I know they would love it. You're so open and honest about your desires and insecurities that it's as if I'm reading the thoughts of a friend. Interacting with other hotwifing blogs may be another way to grow your audience. I appreciate you taking the time to write when you can. You're beautiful, smart and incredibly interesting. The other PTA moms have nothing on you.

  2. I love this blog so far. I really hope you post more. It's stimulating mentally to hear things from a woman's perspective. Meanwhile it's stimulating sexually to hear a woman be so honest about her sexuality and desires. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for commenting Ted! I am happy to hear from you and others and that my blog is finding a place in your reading! ;-)
